Physician Jobs Are Available As Physican Turnover Rate Nationwide Is High
Photo courtesy of COMSALUD(CC Attribution)
Physician Jobs
Every year for the past decade the American Medical Group Association has commissioned a study of physician turnover rates. The 2014 study, recently released, and the 9th study overall, has shown that the turnover rate for physicians is as high as it has been for as long as the study has been performed.
This year’s turnover rate was 6.8% which matches the rate for 2012. Almost one in five of the physicians who left their positions in 2014 did so because they were retiring, which means they were leaving desirable positions open to be filled by other doctors.
According to the MD News article, “Assessing and Addressing Physician Turnover by Colin Stayton,
“The survey found lack of cultural fit was the leading reason for voluntary separation, particularly during the first three years of employment. Other reasons included a desire for greater compensation or a better call schedule, as well as concerns about limited professional opportunities.”
If you are still searching for the position that feels like the right fit for you, you are not alone. Many factors contribute to a job match beyond simple compensation. However, high turnover rates mean that physician jobs are available across the country, and that many medical practices are looking for a physician that can fill their open position and be the right fit for the patients and supporting staff at their clinic or hospital.
If you are a physician looking for an open position, or if you are a medical office, clinic or hospital with openings to fill, please contact us.